Sunday, January 30, 2011

Forming a habit

I was able to write a couple thousand words this week and feel that it was quite a good writing week. I find it funny that after I have read what I have written I start feeling like my prose is, well, stupid. However, as I read what other authors have written, I don't feel that my writing is sub-par. I wonder if other authors have a love-hate relationship with their writing as well. Something to think about.

Anyway, the most difficult thing I have found for a budding author such as myself to deal with is forming the habit to write daily. Working on several projects has definitely helped me to find the interest in going back to words that I have previously written.  It is also something that I just have to sit down and dedicate myself to do. With work, kids, house chores, and a baby on the way it is difficult to find time.

Brandon Mull gave me some great advice the last time he was at the local bookstore. I told him of my plight in finding time and asked how he did it. First he laughed and said that he took a year off. Then he told me something I have made a part of my day. He said, "When you don't have time to write, visualize the scene. Get the details down then when you have some spare time, write." Great advice, and it has worked. I find all sorts of ideas and scenes popping into my head--sometimes at the wrong time! But hey, at least I have no shortage of things to write about.

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