Saturday, January 8, 2011


This week I have spent alot of time brainstorming and organizing the ideas in my head. I never seem to have a shortage of ideas, but I do have difficulty once I have my ideas organized in an outline staying excited about my current project. I have found out that I am great at outlining and the idea part, but becoming consistent in working on it after that is my downfall. This would be what I believe the Writing Excuses trio would call "World Builder's Disease".

I have done alot of thinking and studying on this problem, (mostly studying myself) and I think that I need to cut out all my extracurricular activities such as tv and videogames until I have reached my daily goal of 500 words. Goals and deadlines have always been helpful to me, so I will use that to help myself. I would suggest something similar for anyone struggling to write. It takes dedication, and self-discipline, both things I need to cultivate in myself.

I plan to use this blog as a journal of sorts to reflect on my progress, and work on self-discipline. If I am able to help others as I share my process that will be an added bonus. Cheers.

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